Past members of Executive Committee

Prof. dr. Grzegorz Bartosz
Member until July 2009
Department of Molecular Biophysics, University of Lodz
Banacha 12-16, 90-237 Lodz, Poland
Tel: +48 42 635 4476, tel/fax: +48 42 635 4473

Prof. Bernat Soria
Past President until July 2007
Centro Andaluz de Biologia Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa (Cabimer)
Avda Americo Vespucio 5, bloque 2, 2a Plta
Isla de la Cartuja, 41092 Sevilla
Tel: +34 955 040 450, fax: +34 955 040 457

Prof. Heinz Rüterjans
Past President until August 2005
Institüt fur Biophys. Chemie, Biozentrum - N 230, J.W. von Goethe-Universitat
Marie-Curie Strasse 9, 60439 Frankfurt, Germany
Tel: +49 69 7982 9622, fax: +49 69 7982 9632

Prof. Giuliano Colombetti
Member until August 2005
Istituto di Biofisica del CNR, Area della Ricerca CNR
Via G. Moruzzi  1, 56124 Pisa
Tel: +39 50 315 2768, fax: +39 50 315 2760

Dr. Michel Kochoyan
Co-opted member until August 2005
Centre de Biochimie Structurale, CNRS UMR 5048 - UM 1 - INSERM UM1 U554
29 rue de Navacelles 34090, Montpellier Cedex
Tel: +33 4 6741 7905, fax: +33 4 6741 7913

Prof. Lennart Nilsson
Member until July 2003
Centre for Structural Biology, Karolinska Inst., NOVUM
S-14157 Huddinge Sweden
Tel: +46 8 608 9228, fax: +46 8 608 9290

Prof. Paul Vigny
Past President until July 2003
Le Studium, Institute for Advanced Studies in Région Centre (Orléans & Tours)
3D, Avenue de la Recherche scientifique, 45071-Orléans-Cedex 2, France
Tel: +33 2 38 25 55 54

Prof. Michael A. Ferenczi
Treasurer until July 2003
Biomedical Sciences Division, Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ, UK
Tel: +44 20 7594 3139, lab: +44 20 7594 3040, fax: +44 20 7594 3169
E-mail :

Prof. Sándor Damjanovich
Member until September 2000
Dept. Biophysics, Univ. Medical School
POB 3/H-4012 Debrecen, Hungary
Tel/fax: +36 52 412 623

Prof. Manuel Cortijo
President until July 1997, Past President until September 2000
Instituto de Estudios Biofuncionales, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Paseo Juan XXIII, 1, 28040 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 394 3241, fax: +34 91 394 3245

Prof. Peter M. Bayley
National Institute for Medical Research, The Ridgeway
Mill Hill, London NW7 1AA
Tel: +44 208 959 3666, fax: +44 208 906 4477

Prof. Michael A. Ferenczi
Molecular Medicine Section, National Heart and Lung Institute
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ, UK
Tel: +44 20 7594 3139, fax: +44 20 7594 3169

Prof. Alberto Diaspro
Spectroscopy, Scanning Force and Nanoscopy Unit
The Italian Institute of Technology -IIT
Via Morego 30, 16163 Genova, Italy
Tel: +39 010 71781503, fax: +39 010 720321

Prof. J. Antoinette Killian
Biochemistry of Membranes, Utrecht University
Hugo R. Kruyt building: room W 804, Kruytgebouw, Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 30 253 3442, fax: +31 30 253 3969

Prof. Yves Engelborghs
Laboratory of Biomolecular Dynamics, K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200G, PO box 2403, B3001 Leuven, Belgium
Tel.: +32 16 32 7160, fax: +32 16 32 7974

Prof. Erick J. Dufourc
Institute of Chemistry & Biology of Membranes and Nanoobjects (CBMN UMR5248)
University Bordeaux - CNRS - IPB
Allée Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, 33600 Pessac, France
Tel: +33 5 4000 6818